Forest City Church is governed by a board of Elders. By relying on consensual agreement of the Elders selected from the congregation, the church creates healthy checks-and-balances of leadership direction, financial accountability, spiritual guidance, and ministry implementation. Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4, Acts 20:28-31, James 5:15
Contact the Elders via email: elders@forestcitychurch.com
Current Elders
David Sidney
Elder Board Chair
Angela Lundin
Mark Mienert
Sue Scott
We are Policy Board Governed
Our church uses Policy Board Governance(Overview)
Our implementation of Policy Board Governance is designed to clarify the role and relationship of the elder board and lead pastor (leader/board linkage). To help facilitate that relationship, the elder board is responsible for the development of who we believe God has called us to be as a church (Ends), set boundaries for the lead pastor when conducting ministry (Executive Limitations) and lead pastor and board linkage. This is a blueprint to keep the focus on mission, define the limitations of ministry, and monitor key indicators. Our Policy Governance system allows the elders to focus their gifts and time to oversee the ministry, provide spiritual protection, financial oversight, hold the lead pastor accountable, and minister to the church body in their unique way.
The board’s relationship with staff is through the lead pastor. The lead pastor is the only person accountable to the elder board for moving the church towards the Ends, and assuring the church is operated effectively. The lead pastor is accountable to the elder board on mission accomplishments and faithfulness to the Executive Limitations. The lead pastor is also responsible for the work of the ministry, oversight of staff, implementation of the vision and direction, and accomplishment of the mission.
In addition to the Policy Board Governance, the elders' responsibilities vary greatly and require discernment as the board strives to keep the church on its biblical course. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
-As Christ’s church, the board is ultimately responsible for representing the “owner”, or Christ’s mission for this specific church.
-Creating policies to clearly define church values and biblical operating procedures.
-Ensuring the church’s teachings and practices reflect accurate biblical theology.
-Ensuring avenues for pastoral care, conflict resolution, discipline, and restoration.
-Providing direction on financial or risk-management issues.
-Providing accountability to the lead pastor, to ensure the vision and values determined by the elders are being carried out. -
Step 1 | Nomination by FCC attendee or staff in May
Step 2 | Questionnaire filled out by nominee in June
Step 3 | Recommendations to the full board with interview by Nominating Team (2-elders, 2-staff, 2-volunteers) in July and August
Step 4 | Present to the congregation for 30 days of vetting in September
Step 5 | Congregational affirmation in October
Step 6 | New Elder(s) attend their first meeting in November
Elders agree to serve for one year as an elder-in-training, with a voice and a view but no vote during the first year. At the conclusion of the first year, the Board of Elders and elder-in-training will mutually decide whether they are a good fit to serve on the Board of Elders.
The spiritual gifts of discernment, wisdom, and leadership are considered foundational gifts for those who serve as Elders; however, the presence of other gifts such as teaching, administration, encouragement, and mercy greatly enhance Elder functioning.
The gift of discernment is the divine enablement to distinguish between truth and error. It is the ability to discern the spirits, differentiating between good and evil, right and wrong. Scripture references are:
1 Corinthians 12:10; Acts 5:1–4; and Matthew 16:21–23
People with this gift:
Distinguish truth from error, right from wrong, pure motives from impure motives.
Identify deception in others with accuracy and in an appropriate manner.
Determine whether a word attributed to God is authentic.
Recognize inconsistencies in a teaching, prophetic message, or interpretation.
Can sense the presence of evil.
The gift of wisdom is the divine enablement to apply spiritual truths effectively to meet needs in specific situations. Scripture references are:
1 Corinthians 12:8; James 3:13–18; 1 Corinthians 2:3–14; and Jeremiah 9:23–24
People with this gift:
Focus on the unseen consequences in determining what next steps to take.
Receive an understanding of what is necessary to meet the needs of the body.
Provide divinely guided or given solutions in the midst of conflict and confusion.
Hear the Spirit provide direction for God’s best in a given situation.
Apply spiritual truth in specific and practical ways.
The gift of leadership is the divine enablement to envision the future of the church coupled with a humble heart to serve others. Scripture references are:
People with this gift:
Are servants by nature; eager to see the church prevail in the world.
Demonstrate spiritual foresight that anticipates the work of God.
Allow Scripture and prayer to inform their decision-making process.
Impart vision to others using clear communication.
Can assess significant past events and their potential for impact on the present and future.
Are able to think creatively and apply ideas and concepts in new ways.
Desire accountability in fulfilling their responsibilities and meeting the needs of those they serve
Elders’ meeting—once a month, plus quarterly retreats
Four to six hours (on average) per month for review of Elder board materials, policies, correspondence, meeting preparation, and team conference calls.
If serious issues arise that require immediate attention by the Elder board, additional hours may be required outside of regular Elders’ meetings.
Elders are eligible to serve two 4-year terms (8 years) before taking a year off.