Operation Snowflake Shop 2021

Since the late 1990s, St. Elizabeth Catholic Community Center has served under-resourced families all over Rockford during the holidays by turning their gymnasium into a complete and dignified Christmas shopping experience! Parents are able to purchase toys, clothing, and other items at a reduced cost and give their children a memorable Christmas.

We are once again teaming up with Providence Baptist Church to partner with St. Elizabeth’s to help them bless families in our community this Christmas season. There are three simple ways that you can get involved:

  • Give a Gift

    Purchase a gift (under $25) for a child 0-18 years old . You can purchase a gift from the Amazon wishlist by clicking below or you can purchase a gift on your own. Gifts can be dropped off at Forest City Church during Sunday services through December 19th.

  • Give Financially

    You can give your donation digitally by clicking below to donate to the Mission of the Month or you can drop off your donation in designated jugs in the mall.

  • Give your Time

    Volunteers are needed on the night of December 22nd to setup the shop and the during the day December 23rd to be personal shoppers for the families.